Dr. Nancy DiTomaso is a Distinguished Professor of Management and Global Business at Rutgers Business School—Newark and New Brunswick. Her research addresses issues of diversity, culture, and inequality. Her 2013 book, The American Non-dilemma: Racial Inequality without Racism (NY: Russell Sage) won the C. Wright Mills Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems and the Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section Distinguished Book Award from the American Sociological Association. The book also received Honorable Mention for the Max Weber Award for Best Book given by the Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section of the ASA and was Runner Up for the George R. Terry Award given by the Academy of Management for the Best Book in Management over a two-year period.
Professor DiTomaso won the 2016 Sage Award for Scholarly Achievement in Gender and Diversity given by the Academy of Management Division on Gender and Diversity. She has co‑authored or co‑edited five other books and has had articles published in such journals as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Annual Review of Sociology, and Journal of Management Studies, as well as others. She has received grant support from the Russell Sage Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Sloan Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Labor among others. At Rutgers, she served at various times as department chair, doctoral director, and as Vice Dean for Research. Her Ph.D. is from the University of Wisconsin—Madison.
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